“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:4-5).
And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (I John 1:5).
Yesterday afternoon and into the evening, just three days after Thanksgiving with its many preparations, Dave and I amazed ourselves by starting our Christmas decorating early. He busied himself stringing miniature white and colored lights on the leafless trees or bushes in our front yard, placing electrically-lighted candles in each front-facing window, and hanging festive wreathes on our front and garage doors.
Meanwhile, I was unpacking and arranging our treasured momentos of this blessed season around the house, then carefully selecting ornaments and displaying them one-by-one on our still faithful artificial tree, and finally, wrapping presents thoughtfully gathered for family and neighbors we wish to show our love to. I’m even ready for the post office!
All are reminders that this is the time of Advent. Jesus has come and we are consciously celebrating His arrival in our hearts. It is fitting that after giving God thanks for providing our needs and walking with us another year, we look to the manger scene, with its promise of redemption for all humankind.
This year is my first year in recent memory that I actively desired to go through these renewing rituals. It’s been seven years since the Lord introduced a mix of dramatic loss and unexpected service into our lives. In the intervening time, when we decorated, if at all, I usually let my husband place familiar symbols of our former times, when life seemed easier, wherever he wished. I merely acquiesced to his momentum.
How are you anticipating this Season of Light? Do its symbols bring joy and promise? I am in a place of stillness and hope this year. Though I’ve lived in the darkness of sorrow and temptation to despair, I’m choosing to step into the Light. Jesus has come—for me, and for Dave. Life makes more sense in the Light. Where are you?
Advent Prayer:
Thank you, Lord God, for sending Your Son into this dark world. His Light makes all the difference. Help us to walk in its brilliance. Let us take its glow to others, whatever their darkness is. This is the message: we don’t have to dwell any longer in darkness.
Song for Light-dwellers:
“Light of the world, You stepped out into darkness,
Opened my eyes, let me see…
Humbly You came to the earth You created,
All for love’s sake became poor…
So here I am to worship…”